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呢款蠟筆, 完全無毒, 可以比小朋友畫响浴室瓷磚, 木材, 玻璃, 鏡子 或 衣物表面, 任何地方都可以發揮創意, 清洗容易, 只要用水一抺就得啦!!! 以後唔怕玩得污糟啦!!!
- 安全無毒,專為兒童設計
- 可水洗特性,清水瞬間洗淨
- 三菱邊舒適觸感
- 培養手眼協調能力

can be used for children to improve their writing grip and stimulates creativity. These crayons feature Sesame Street characters. It's ideal for dollar stores and arts and crafts stores.

Sesame Street - Washable Triangular Crayons 8ct - 幼兒可水洗8色三角蠟筆 #041787

MOP$59.00 Regular Price
MOP$19.00Sale Price
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