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- 創造獨特既Play-Doh餅乾 - 讓孩子變身麵包甜品師, 發揮想像力以安全泥膠創作出不同形狀, 顏色既麵包, 甜品 同 曲奇。
- 塔頂設有泥膠分散器, 只需放入泥膠, 攪動攪拌杆, 泥膠就會如雨下, 灑於曲奇盤上! 五顏六色! 有趣好玩!
- 超過15個曲奇形狀 - 配合使用不同的Play-Doh工具(如餅乾切割器和壓模)創建心形,星形,衛星甚至表情符號創作獨特曲奇。
- 附2張創作卡,小曲奇師可以逐步發現如何製作更具創意的設計。

適合 : 3歲及以上
- 安全物料, 誤食都唔怕

- 小朋友最鐘意發揮無限創意砌自己鐘意既公仔、動物、食物,好玩之餘又富有教育既玩具,可以訓練小朋友手眼協調能力、提升專注力及耐性,係砌既過程中更可以訓練思考邏輯, 同埋培養創作力! 啱哂幾個小朋友一齊玩啦!!

- Create and decorate Play-Doh cookies - aspiring bakers can let imagination go crazy with this cookie toy baking set for kids ages 3 and up. At 12 inches high, This play food set is a tall Tower of creative fun!
- Make it rain silly sprinkles – stack your Play-Doh cookies on each level of the tower, then make it rain silly sprinkles made of colorfully fun charm shapes!
- Over 15 crazy cookie shapes - create hearts, stars, moons, and even Emoji face cookies with the different Play-Doh tools like cookie cutters and stampers.
- 5 Play-Doh colors – this toy cookie set includes 5 non-toxic Play-Doh colors in standard-size 2-ounce cans for kids who love to get creative with Arts and crafts like Modeling clay.
- Ingredients for imagination – with the 2 creation cards, bakers can discover step-by-step how to make even more creative cookie designs.

Play-Doh Kitchen Cookie Food Set w/5 Colors #007774(訂貨)

MOP$159.00 Regular Price
MOP$99.00Sale Price

    © 2016 by The Baby Republic

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