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刷牙要有2分鐘, 先夠乾淨, 而呢個習慣, 梗係越細培養越好, 更可以跟隨孩子成長, 保護到老, 而今日介紹呢款牙刷, 美國做緊超特價, 2分鐘 音樂及燈光 計時,啱就快快訂啦!!!

- 採用柔軟刷毛, 人體工學設計,有助於清潔口啌內難以觸及地方, 及去除牙菌膜
- 可同時清理舌頭
- 舒適握把位,適合孩子設計。
- 兩分鐘 音樂及燈光 計時,為牙醫推薦

- Peppa Pig features bristles and an ergonomic design help clean plaque in hard to reach places.
- It could also clean tongue
- Contour grip provide comfortable and firm hold.
- 1 synchronized song and light show that play for the dentist recommended two minutes

Peppa Pig - Light & Sound Toothbrush - 音樂及燈光 計時牙刷 #029322

MOP$79.00 Regular Price
MOP$29.00Sale Price
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