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呢款獨立包裝, 可生物降解物料, 混合天然驅蚊精油,易於使用。 遠離蚊子!
效力持久,驅蚊能力強大,不含DEET。 一小包濕巾就能為你提供清潔及驅蚊功能, 藏在帳篷,背包,園藝工具,釣具盒,沙灘袋,野餐籃,遠足短褲 或 度假包中。 隨時都能輕裝上陣,讓您輕鬆度過無蚊既每一天,盡情享受生活!

- 100%天然,無化學配方
- 含 : 薄荷油,蓖麻油,橄欖油,芝麻油和小麥胚芽油
- 全家大細都可使用
- 隨身攜帶。 獨立包裝
- 可生物降解的紙巾
- 全太陽能機械生產, 清潔可再生能源, 為環保更愛地球!

Towelette Size: 6" x 4"

Directions: Apply to skin as needed. Throw used wipes in trash. Do not flush.

Ingredients: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Peppermint Oil...10.0%. INERT INGREDIENTS: Sesame Oil, Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Wheat Germ Oil...90.0%. TOTAL: 100.0%

All natural & biodegradable oil-blend formula infused on a wipe for easy application. Keep mosquito away!
Strong, long-lasting, DEET-free protection against mosquitoes. Quick! Buy these now and stash immediately in your tent, backpack-on, gardening kit, tackle box, beach bag, picnic basket, hiking shorts & island getaway pack. For a refreshing getaway any day, Travel light and live life the la fresh way!

- 100% natural, chemical-free formula, including peppermint oil, castor oil, olive oil, sesame oil & wheat germ oil
- Long-lasting mosquito repellency
- Safe for the whole family
- Carry-on friendly. No spills, no leaks
- Biodegradable Towelettes
- Made using clean, renewable solar energy

LA Fresh Natural Mosquito Repellent Wipes Single Packet 天然驅蚊濕紙巾 50片裝(訂貨 7月中到)

MOP$399.00 Regular Price
MOP$299.00Sale Price

    © 2016 by The Baby Republic

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