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小朋友好鐘意模仿大人做野! (好多時唔想佢學果啲學得好快! 哈!) 尤其見到大人按Smart Watch, BB會覺得大人有個錶按按吓好得意! 呢個外形似足Smart Watch, 但放大數倍, 按扭啱哂BB手仔. 色彩鮮艷, 會發聲, 發光, 內存音樂 / 音效, 短語!!!

顏色 : 粉紅 或 藍

- 以角色扮演教導孩子, 手眼協調;
- 歌曲幫助幼兒學習字母,數字及單字
- 適合 : 6個月至3歲

- Pretend smartwatch with lights, music, and sounds for early role-play at home and on the go!
- Press the buttons for songs and phrases about colors and greetings
- Toggle switch, turn dial, and clacker beads help keep little hands busy
- Soft band is easy to grasp for take-along play
- For babies and toddlers ages 6-36 months

Fisher-Price - Laugh 'N Learn Smartwatch - 兒童學習手錶 (7月中到澳門)

MOP$149.00 Regular Price
MOP$89.00Sale Price
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