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近年醫學界瞭解到腸道除了是消化/吸收器官之外,更同時也是人體最重要、最強大的免疫器官, 有七成以上的免疫細胞,如巨噬細胞、T細胞、NK細胞、B細胞等,集中在腸道,有七成以上的免疫球蛋白A,由腸道製造,而且用來保護腸道。消化系統健康, 同時影响人體免疫能力。

- 含100億LGG鼠李糖乳桿, 100%天然Lactobacillus GG——臨床研究最多的益生菌
- 支持免疫系統正常運行
- 減少消化不適,對偶發的腹瀉, 脹氣 及 腹脹有幫助

- Helps your digestive system work better and reduces occasional digestive upset†
- Helps form a strong barrier against non-beneficial bacteria on the intestinal wall†
- Helps support the immune system, 70% of which is located in the digestive tract†
- Also includes Inulin, a prebiotic.
- Safe for daily use, works naturally with the body†

Culturelle Digestive Health Probiotic, 80粒 成人益生菌膠囊 - 消化健康型( 訂貨)

MOP$499.00 Regular Price
MOP$299.00Sale Price
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