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注:此貨品於網站下單, 不享有免費送貨服務

˙ 使用可生物降解物料
˙ 使用加厚物料,質地堅韌柔軟
˙ 採用天然植物原料
˙ 適合清潔嬰兒檯椅、換片檯、嬰兒床、傢俱表面
˙ 徹底清潔家居, 用途廣泛
˙ 一抹即可,無需過水
˙ 絶無香料

The Grime Fighter hunts dirt where it lives (and where your babies live too!): high chair, changing table, crib, sealed wood floors, marble counter tops - bring it on! Tough stuff but a softie around the babes! So useful around the house you'll want to strap it to your belt! (Or is that just us?)

Babyganics - All Purpose Surface Wipes, 75 Wipes - 家居萬用濕紙巾 - 75片裝

SKU: 813277010210
MOP$129.00 Regular Price
MOP$103.00Sale Price
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